QLP S04 What Quantum Leap Means To Me

What-Quantum-Leap-Means-To-In the fourth Quantum Leap Podcast Special, Albie and Heather introduce all eight What Quantum Leap Means To Me essays played in the previous 21 episodes and they tell you how to vote. It’s all up to you, the listener, who will win the grand prize, A  C. Winston Taylor Quantum Leap comic book art portfolio.

*To vote toll free visit https://quantumleappodcast.com/ and use the Google Voice widget to have our voice mail call you.

**Don’t have a phone? Email votes are also accepted.

Let us know what you think… Leave us a voicemail by calling (707)847-6682 and Send in your thoughts, theories and feedback, Send MP3s & Email to quantumleappodcast@gmail.com. Also join us on Facebook.com/QuantumLeapPodcast and Twitter.com/QuantumLeapPod and www.patreon.com/QuantumLeapPodcast

QLP 021 Another Mother


In the twenty-first installment of The Quantum Leap Podcast, Albie and Heather discuss Season two, Episode thirteen “Another Mother”. There are first impressions, an episode recap, thoughts and opinions, listener feedback, and an amazing interview with Velton Ray Bunch, the composer of Quantum Leap. Not one, but two essays:  from David and Donnie, to finish up our What Quantum Leap Means to Me essay giveaway. Also, an article from Hayden McQueenie.RayBunch-web

Let us know what you think… Leave us a voicemail by calling (707)847-6682 and Send in your thoughts, theories and feedback, Send MP3s & Email to quantumleappodcast@gmail.com. Also join us on Facebook.com/QuantumLeapPodcast and Twitter.com/QuantumLeapPod and www.patreon.com/QuantumLeapPodcast

Laoreet Venenatis

Integer pretium iaculis mattis. Proin luctus, justo sit amet laoreet venenatis, libero velit tincidunt mi, nec fermentum ante massa id quam. In gravida erat vel diam blandit consequat. Morbi ut interdum nunc, eu egestas arcu. Suspendisse sodales, purus vitae malesuada sodales, ligula metus commodo justo, eu interdum metus mauris nec dui. Continue reading “Laoreet Venenatis”

Proin luctus

Duis fringilla lacus eros, at cursus arcu congue a. Integer pretium iaculis mattis. Proin luctus, justo sit amet laoreet venenatis, libero velit tincidunt mi, nec fermentum ante massa id quam. In gravida erat vel diam blandit consequat. Morbi ut interdum nunc, eu egestas arcu. Suspendisse sodales, purus vitae malesuada sodales, ligula metus commodo justo, eu interdum metus mauris nec dui. Continue reading “Proin luctus”

Donec tempus

Etiam vitae convallis dui. Proin vitae felis magna. Morbi dui quam, faucibus at nulla sed, ullamcorper consectetur velit. Aenean eget neque et metus pharetra euismod eu ut diam. Donec tempus mollis sapien et interdum. Suspendisse a felis sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris fermentum justo mauris, vitae porttitor quam tempus ultricies. Continue reading “Donec tempus”